Quick Pass Master Pre-licensing Tutoring Agreement Template

Quick Pass Master Pre-licensing Tutoring Agreement – {Product placeholder: name} 

This agreement (the “Agreement”) is between Quick Pass Master Tutorial School Ltd. (the “School”) and (the “Student” or “You”)

Effective Date: 2025-03-10 (the “Effective Date”)

Service Description:

  • Service(s): {Product placeholder: name}
  • The Student agrees to purchase the Service(s) based on the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
  • The Service(s) is the right to access the School’s online tutorial program designed to prepare for certain pre-licensing examinations administered by UBC (University of British Columbia) or other regulatory bodies in BC.  

What’s Included:

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From time to time, at the School’s sole discretion, the School may, but has no obligation, voluntarily add more services to your package.   

What’s NOT included:

  • Face-to-face lectures unless otherwise specified 
  • And any verbal promises and anything that’s not specified in the “What’s Included” portion of this Addendum. 

How to Access 

  • For the online interactive lectures, the School will send the Zoom link to our School’s wechat group.  The schedule for the live lectures and online overview can also be found on our website QuickPassMaster.com or GetRealEstateLIcenses.com   
  • The Student can access the online pre-recorded videos via QuickPass.teachable.com.  Just sign up your student account, and then the School will add videos to your student account.  Since these pre-recorded videos are already made and are immediately accessible upon registration and verification of your student account.  The videos are not considered future performance products or services.  
  • The summary handout can be accessed via the same website QuickPass.teachable.com or alternatively, the School can email the student the PDF format.  The student agrees that the Summary handout is not a “future performance product or service” since it is immediately available to download the full file via email or via your online QuickPass.Teachable.com account.
  • Value determination for disputes: If there is a dispute about the values of the products or services, the student agrees that the market values are as follows:
    • The unit price of any Individual item if purchased separately will be more expensive than the unit price if purchased as the entire combo offering. For the services or products that have been performed, offered, then the value will be based on the individual item price. For the services or products that have not yet been performed or returned, then the values will be based on the total paid combo price minus the unit price of any individual products and services that have been performed and offered.
    • Summary handout for each pre-licensing course in PDF format is worth $200 + applicable 5% GST
    • Final exam overview for each pre-licensing course except the managing broker is worth $180 + applicable 5% GST
    • For the online live group lesson, if the School calculates based on this educational service alone instead of a combination of the discounted total price, each hour has a fair market value of $50 + applicable 5% GST
    • For the online pre-recorded videos, if the School calculates based on this educational service/product alone instead of a combination of the total discounted price, each hour has a fair market value of $30 + applicable 5% GST
    • In order to lower the service/product pricing, the student purchases a combo package that includes several items/products/services. The total price paid should be shown on the electronic receipt, which should have been emailed to the student upon the full payment. The receipt shall form into part of this Agreement.
    • If there is any inconsistency between the pricing on the receipt/invoice and the pricing on the Agreement, then whichever is higher will be the pricing.

Terms of Payment

The Student agrees to make a full payment Canadian dollars upon signing this Agreement, by way of email money transfer, credit card, master card, Wechat pay, IOT pay, cash, or cheque. 

The amounts due for the Service is listed out on the online website’s cart page, online web store at checkout, and again in the email receipt sent to the Student. The service names, descriptions, prices, amounts, totals and applicable taxes listed in the email receipt form as part of this Agreement.

Effective Date of the Agreement

The Effective Date is the date when the following two events are both fulfilled: 

  • Full payment has been paid by the student, and
  • This Agreement is signed by the student or agreed upon electronically by clicking “I Agree” during purchasing 

Termination of the service

After the student passes the trading exam or after the student’s course expires, the School will remove videos from the student account, or will delete the student account.  


The student is reminded that the handout, study guide and videos are for the student’s personal use only, as indicated in separate copyright and non-disclosure agreement. 

School’s Contact Information

  • Address: Unit 100, 4555 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5H 4T8 
    • (Due to COVID-19, our staff work from home.  Please notify us if you are sending any mail)
  • Phone: 778-686-8555
  • For questions regarding your exam, please send email to c7786868555@gmail.com or send to our student WeChat Group (please contact the School to invite you to the student group)

Other Terms And Conditions

  1. The School ONLY provides tutorial service. You need to register UBC’s real estate trading, or mortgage, or rental course, strata course, managing broker course to get the partial pre-licensing requirement. To register, go to Sauder.UBC.ca. If you are taking the builder’s tutoring courses, you need to register Government approved builder pre-licensing courses offered by third party companies.
  2. The School will prepare you for the exam, but you are responsible to ensure yourself to meet other imposed requirements to be licensed, and you are responsible to pay for all pre-licensing, licensing, and post-licensing costs.
  3. While a high ratio of students who book the exam pass the exam, it does not mean everyone will pass. You are RESPONSIBLE to review the materials at home and try to finish the assignments yourself.
  4. The School spent several years organizing the power point presentations, lessons, and materials, so please do NOT copy, forward, duplicate, modify or video record, or sound record, or tape any of the School’s materials, lessons, handouts, or mock exams for commercial purposes.  The Student is allowed to take reasonable pictures during class for the purpose of self-studying. The photos taken cannot be used for commercial purposes and cannot be shared for free or for profit. The Student must delete the photos after passing the exam.  For details, please read the separate copyright and Non-disclosure agreement.
  5. Refund policy: Once tutorial fee is paid, NO REFUND can be given, unless 
  • The courses cannot be delivered within 3 months. 
  • You can exchange the tutorial course within 1 month upon registration of the School’s program subject to $150 up to $250 administration fee. 
  • You meet our 100% money-back-guarantee requirements:
    • You have completed the School’s full online live program and did not miss any lesson (approx. 18~22 lessons and 1 final review), and
    • You are able to achieve at least 90% accuracy on both the UBC’s examination study guide and UBC’s course workbook prior to taking the exam (please email us your accuracy percentage prior to UBC’s exam), and
    • You can achieve an accuracy of 90% of any 50 sample exam questions chosen by the School, and
    • If you have booked and tried the exam within 6 months of the Effective Date of this Agreement.
  • The course / program / products / services CANNOT be assigned to a third party.
  • The Student agrees that it is not an argument to claim for refund by saying not having time to attend the lectures or study. 
  • Since the online live lecture program is held several times a week, and since summary handout and pre-recorded videos are accessible within one week, this Agreement is considered substantially performed after 7 calendar days from the date this Agreement is entered into. 
  1. If there is any disruptive behaviour affecting the class’s continuation, after two reasonable warnings, the School reserves the right to cancel your student status and no refund will be given.
  2. Our tutorial materials are not perfect and may contain mistakes. You need to use your own discretion to identify certain errors.
  3. By registering with the School’s class, you authorize the School to share your contact information to the School’s real estate brokerage and other affiliated services, such as CELPIP tutorial Schools. The School’s real estate brokerage and other affiliated services may contact you for helping you to obtain your license and for helping you better start your real estate or mortgage or rental property career.
  4. The School does not provide legal or tax consultation. You should seek independent professional’s advice.  And it is strongly recommended that you seek independent legal advice before signing this Agreement. 
  5. The School reserves the right to set restrictions on attending certain classroom locations.
  6. While Quick Pass Master may collect the fees for English tutorial such as CELPIP, these tutorials are conducted solely by English tutorial service providers, who provide separate course warranties and/ or warranties and the English service providers are solely accountable for the English language tutorial schedule, quality of classes and admin issues.
  7. No solicitation: The Student acknowledges that through its relationship with the School, the Student will have access to personal information, including contact information, of other students. The Student agrees that they shall not, without the prior written consent of the School, at any time or on behalf of any person or entity competing or endeavoring to compete with the School directly or indirectly, solicit, endeavour to solicit, canvass, or interfere with any person whose personal information the Student obtained through its relationship with the School.
  8. The Student agrees and confirms that the restrictions in clause 14 are reasonable and necessary for the protection of the School’s business interests, and the privacy protection of all students, and accordingly waives all defences to the strict enforcement of them by the School.
  9. The student agrees that any disputes will be settled in the jurisdiction of British Columbia, Canada.
  10. If a Court of competent jurisdiction varies this Agreement in any way, or declares that any part is of no force and effect, all parts of this Agreement not so varied or not so declared of no force and effect shall survive such order or declaration and shall continue in full force and effect.
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